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Windows and Arches | Frauenkirche Dresden

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Various arched elements from LEGO

Nearly all types of arched LEGO bricks were used in the model.

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Window and transclear 1x1 and 1x2 plates

All windows of the facade were build with 1x1 and 1x2 plates in transclear.

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Main windows of the facade with the typical double arch.

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Round window in tower "E".

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Round window in tower "A".

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Oval window above the main entrance "D".

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Small window at the top of the facade.

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A round window seen from the inside.

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An oval window seen from the inside.

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Main windows seen from the inside.

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A rare exception: real LEGO windows inside the church. But the glasses of the door are self-build.

Building instructions and part lists

There are no building instructions und part lists available for the models shown on this web site. There are no engineering drawings available. To build the LEGO models only photographs from the real prototypes were used. All models are unique and not for sale.

Why doesn't building instructions exist?